NDIS Provider Number: 4050 009 702

How does the NDIS fund Short Term Accommodation (STA)?

Short Term Accommodation (STA) supports provide an option for participants to stay in a residence (typically a centre or group residence) outside of their usual arrangements. These are comprehensive supports that allow participants to be supported while providing their regular carer with a break from their usual caring responsibilities.



Why may STA be needed?


  • To support participants in pursuing their plan goals 

  • To give informal supports a chance to take a break from their regular carer duties

  • To help participants maintain functional capacity
  • To help participants increase their independence 
  • To help participants do more activities and increase participation in the community

What are the requirements for STA?


  • STA should be disability related 

  • There should be an element of support work provided during the stay

  • The support line item should be inclusive of the cost of personal care, accommodation, food, transport and activities within a 24-hour period.

  • STA is typically for a maximum of 14 consecutive days, and total 28 days across a participant’s plan year. Exceptions can be made with NDIS approval

If these requirements are not met, it may be difficult to get a successful claim without clear NDIA approval.


What does STA not include? 


  • It does not typically cover the cost for family members to accompany participants.
  • It does not include supports that do not meet the purposes of STA such as holidays or crisis support
  • It does not include flights or consumable items such as clothing


Why can’t STA be used for holidays?

Short Term Accommodation is only funded when the need for it is related to your disability, such as for respite or skill building. 

Holidays are not considered disability related as people regardless of their disability typically incur costs for their holidays such as costs for accommodation, activities and food.


Can the NDIS support you on a holiday? 


While the NDIA cannot fund a holiday, funding may be utilised to cover the cost of extra supports required while on holiday because of your disability. See more about supported holidays here.  
