Automatic extensions? Not quite, NDIA’s plans for upcoming review period revealed
The NDIA has released more detailed information surrounding automatic plan extensions this week, including some eligibility guidelines, and a clearer definition of what an “automatic” plan extension is.
Eligible participants are those whose plans are due for review between April and Jun 30 2021, have a plan of at least 12 months, and are aged 7 years or older.
While the term “automatic plan extension” has been coined, it turns out the process won’t necessarily be an automatic one – participants can opt-in for the extension, or they can choose to conduct a plan review.
What factors should I weigh up when considering the options?
Extension | Review |
What should I do next?
If you believe an automatic extension is suitable for your circumstances, contact the NDIA on 1800 800 110, or your Local Area Coordinator to request an automatic extension.
If you are unsure or would like further advice, your Support Coordinator or Plan Manager should be able to help you.
IDEAL Plan Management is open 8.30am-7pm AEST and our expert Plan Managers are here to talk to you and provide advice based on your individual needs.
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